Special Issue: Nano-to-Macroscale Reticular Materials to Address Societal Challenges

In the past 25 years reticular chemistry has matured into an…

Environmental Impact Assessments of Commercially available Metal-organic Frameworks

MOFs have come forth as one of the most promising next-generation…

Honorary Doctor for Stefan Wuttke

The State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals”…

Special Issue: Chemistry in Ukraine

“It is the great beauty of our science, chemistry, that advancement…

MOF workshop at BCMaterials

We are happy to inform you about the first hybrid event of the…

Reticular Material Survey

Dear researcher, I am reaching out to you to ask for your…

Magical Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a Christmas of love, joy, peace and amazing Christmas…

Christmas Charity for Ukrainian children

As Christmas approaches, we would like to organize again a charity…

Scholarship for PhD student Orysia Zaremba

I am thrilled to announce that one PhD student of our group,…

COST Action: EU4MOFs

We have won a COST Action!!!: European metal-organic framework…