Circumventing wear and tear of adaptive porous materials

In our essay we bring to the attention of the material science…

New Materials for a Better Life

On December 19th, the Basque minister Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu,…

We moved to BCMaterials

Stefan Wuttke received a precious Ikerbasque Research Professor…

Review: Nanoparticle Characterization: What to Measure?

In our new review article, we aim at providing a set of guidelines…

Book review: Introduction to Reticular Chemistry

Reticular Chemistry is concerned with the linking of discrete…

Invited for holding lectures in Poznan and therefore honoured by receiving an award

At the beginning of April Stefan Wuttke had the pleasure to visit…

Selected for the Editorial Board of Advanced Functional Materials

We are honored to announce that Stefan Wuttke was selected for…

School of Chemistry at Lincoln

The School of Chemistry at Lincoln opened in April 2014 as the…

CeNS award - Best Junior Scientist Publication Award 2018

We are very delighted to hear that our Paper "On-Surface Synthesis…

“Super Summer” for PhD student Andreas Zimpel

Andreas Zimpel, a PhD student in the Wuttke Group, had many reasons…