The Wuttkegroup for Science is an ambitious international group of material scientists that wish to make with their science the world to a little extent to a better place. We are creative, enthusiastic, enterprising and keen on innovation, hence broadening our horizons non-stop. We believe in the following values:
Teamwork. Working collaboratively with each other in order to achieve individual and team goals.
Research. To see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.
Fun. We wish to have fun with the things we are doing and embrace every opportunity for a good time.
Education. We love to educate ourselves and others.
Passion. Do things with passion or not at all.
Creativity. Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. (Edward de Bono)

Dr. Anna Sinelshchikova

Dr. Ekaterina Chernova

Dr. Jacopo Andreo

Dr. Subhajit Dutta

Orysia Zaremba

Xiangjiang Yu