Visiting Professor of Functional Materials at the University of Lincoln

I am delighted to announce, on the recommendation of the College of Science, that the Professorial Committee of the University of Lincoln has agreed to confer me the title of Visiting Professor of Functional Materials.

A Visiting Professorship is one which is awarded to a distinguished individual of recognised academic and/or professional standing, whose association with a department of the University will support its academic endeavour and provide the highest possible source of advice and wise counsel in that discipline. Visiting Professors will be allowed to use the title ‘Professor’ whilst so appointed, providing an acknowledgement is made in formal correspondence that the Chair is a Visiting Chair of the College of Science.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the School of Chemistry especially the Head of School of Chemistry Prof. Ian Scowen and the Deputy Head of School of Chemistry Dr. Tasnim Munshi. 

Can not wait to see you soon again!